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Posted by : ainabanana Sunday, August 22, 2010

Guess what!

It was Saturday night,

we made a reservation in Pizza Hut,

we went to this shopping mall

and I found


but all of the big bangs and g-dragon's

are cd only....




and then,


oh,and I found

the Tohoshinki Secret Code: cd only

the Tohoshinki Mirotic:cd only

the Tohoshinki Best Selection 2010:2cd+1dvd

1st-4th asia tour

off-shot movie

the Tohoshinki Survivor:cd

The Tohoshinki Best Selection 2010(white)

:cd only

the one I really one was


Tohoshinki Complete A-Side Collection

Theres\'s 7 !7! cd in it

I really wanted it

I pleaded my mother

but my mother said no


but my mother said 

:you can buy the Tohoshinki Best Collection 2010

Me:The Black one? >>>>>>

MM:No the white one


what?! I don't want the white one!

MM: So don't buy any of it.

Me:No pls I want the black one


Me:hmmmmm how about I use my money?

MM:mmmm.ask your father first.

Me:What?! of course he will not let me buy any of it

MM:that's not my problem

Me:No pls

Tantrum Pictures, Images and Photos

MM:Okay okay you're being very annoying right now,you know.

I went to my father and asked him

this is what my father had said

MF:Why didn't you use the money to buy books

Me:I've got plenty of books at home that I haven't read yet.

MF:I'm not gonna waste any money for that

Me:Its my money......

MF:If I were you I would not buy it


my father turned away........

ME:well you bought gun n roses,abba,etc.......

MF:They English not Koreans

(Basically,my father didn't like very much Koreans)

Then my mother interrupted,

I hope nothing bad happens.....

MM:Just let her buy it........

Me:look at my mother..........

MF:You agreed?

MM:Just let her buy it.She's growing up.......


MF: looked at me.....

Thats what I really hate to hear

I don't want you to grow up

Me:well i am....even you bought cds without "atuk" permission

right.you bought it secretly.at least I asked your permission.

MM:just let her buy it...she;s using her money......

MF: Okay.

Me:Smile at my mom


MM:apa senyum2


after I bought the album

Me:So when do I get to buy the Complete A-side collection,mom?

MM:looking at me

Ish,kamu ni dah satu2 nak

nanti ibu jual balik album yang kamu beli tu baru tau


MM:tau takut....

sebaik ibu cakap ngan ayah kalau tak

dia memang tak bagi beli

dia kalau barang dia beli aje

dah la tu ibu tak tahu dia beli album(gun n roses etc)

tu senyap2

bila ibu bukak dashboard tiba2 keluar sume cd tu

ME:tau ayah mmg macam tu.....

MF:dah, kamu senyap, kamu dah beli cukup.....



at home

my sis:ish aina ni tak habis2 ngan dbsk dia

aina,knape aina suka sgt dbsk ni.......



keluar balik,

my mother buat reunion with her sisters......

me and my sister ikut........and then.....

okay nanti sambung in the next post........


hey Pictures, Images and Photos

2 Responses so far.

  1. mane kau cari.aku pergi pavillion pun x ada........

  2. I found it in a shopping mall

    in IDK where is it whether

    it is in klang or S.A

    tp kalu gi jugak

    baek x yahlah

    I had bought the last stock...


    kalau adapun,

    yang warna putih punya

    tp cd jerlah x de dvd....

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