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Posted by : ainabanana Thursday, August 5, 2010

135. The fact that Junsu proposed to Micky
136. The fact that Junsu also kissed Micky while he was sleeping!
137. The fact he apologised to all his fans for getting married to Micky at such a young age
138. When Junsu sings Stevie Wonder’s “Lately”
139. Joongie’s lame acting skills
140. Yunho’s rapping
141. Yunho’s “Whicky whicky wah wah~” (In Stay With Me Tonight Song)
142. The fact that Junsu loves and hates his best friend at the same time
143. Junsu’s cuteness in the 100 Q and A thing
144. How Yunho shouted “I love you Cassiopeia fans!” in front of millions and millions of people
145. Yunho’s skill in HapKiDo
146. The fact that Yunho came third in a HapKiDo championship
147. How Yunho has great leadership
148. Changmin’s innocence
149. Changmin’s shyness in front of a camera
150. Even though Changmin’s tired, he alwasy greets his fans with a smile
151. The fact that Changmin suits glasses
152. His prettiness when he smiles
153. How he always respects people, even though they’re younger than him
154. How he spends so much time talking about his faults
155. How he spends so much time saying sorry to his parents and ending up crying
156. The way Changmin said he wanted to be a normal person in University (as in, not a celebrity)
157. Changmin’s honesty
158. The fact that Changmin can eat a whole pizza by himself in only a matter of minutes!!!
159.The fact that Changmin tries so hard when he’s dancing that the other members are always worrying that he might hurt himself!
160.When Changmin feels he didn’t do satisfactory in a performance, he’d cry and say sorry to his fans(even though they didn’t mention anything about him)
161. The fact that Changmin replies to ALL his fan’s SMS messages
162. How Changmin literally GULPS his food down and ends up finishing his meals 3508375 times faster than the other members!
163. How even when Joongie sweats, he still manages to look beautiful
164. How Joongie saw Micky cry when their song came first in Inki Gayo
165. How Joongie cried with Micky on the day their song came first
166. How Joongie made other members cry on the day their song came first
167.How Yunho managed to show his happiness and manliness without crying on
the day their song came first
168. How Joongie’s hair is so shiny and silky that it could help in the suicide of a fly
169. How Joongie scolded Changmin for wanting to be a normal Uni student
170. How Joongie had such a big passion to be a singer
171. How Joongie still sometimes cries when he thinks about his first love
172. How that proves Joongie really knows what true love is
173. How Joongie ran away for a few days just because he wanted to be a singer but his parents didn’t want him to?
174. How Joongie had a huge fist fight with someone who swore about H.O.T (he must have been a big fan)
175.The fact that when Joongie was young, he couldn’t even sing a proper tone, but now that he’s practiced so much because of his passion to become a singer – he has improved and become one of the best.
176. The fact that Joongie came first when it came to the person who greeted his elders the most
177. How Joongie can’t wink
178.How Joongie realised Micky was sick just before a KMNET performance, so when he was dancing and singing, he’d always check if Micky was alright!
179. How Micky has such love for his family
180.How Micky still cries when he thinks about how he couldn’t say “I love you” to his family whe leaving the airport from America
181.How his bucket hairstyle still looks good on him although some people just look horrendous with it
182.How Micky still has a bit of innocence in him when he admitted he still likes Astro boy and Micky Mouse
183. How Micky fans other members after a performance if they’re hot, even though he’s sweating his skin off
184. How he lectures his fans for doing dangerous things
185.How Micky cancelled his American citizenship and stated he will go to the Korean Army when the time comes and remain a Korean citizen
186. How Junsu is so frikken cute when he’s shy
187. How Junsu cried a lot because of his first voice break when he was younger (kids teased him…poor guy…)
188.How Junsu said the other members of TVXQ were as important as an oasis in a desert to him
189. How Junsu did a wave infront of many fans and made some fans even have nosebleeds(for real!)
190. How Junsu is just NATURALLY cute
191. How Junsu absolutely LOVES soccer
192. How Junsu is so good at playing the piano
193. How Junsu listens to his fans when they tell him to start dieting…
194. How Junsu’s so funny and comfortable with his fans
FanGirl: Oppa! You’re so pretty!!
Junsu: Thanks, you’re quite handsome yourself! XD
195. How Junsu still goes to baseball games with his twin brother even though his schedule is PACKED
196. How Junsu even forgot his last name because he was so used to saying his full name was “Xiah Junsu”
197. The fact that when someone says “cute”, everyone immediately thinks “Junsu”
198. How Yunho is pretty and HOT even when he hasn’t even got any makeup or hasn’t even washed
199.How when Micky was sick and in hospital, the remainding four of TVXQ had to perform a song on stage, but Changmin was nervous so Yunho grabbed Changmin by the arm, looked straight into his eyes and said, “I believe in you.”
200. How Micky was sick and before the performance, TVXQ said, “FIGHTING!” but Yunho put his hand in last and said, “This is Micky’s hand”
201. The fact that Yunho can dance, sing, rap, act and be an MC without sucking
202. How Yunho’s hobby is to write poems or short fics
203. How Yunho even falls asleep when sending SMS messages
204.How Yunho saw a ghost but didn’t want to wake any other members,fearing they would get scared to,he faced the ghost by himself and cried by himself too?
205. How Yunho is TVXQ’s leader
206. How Yunho looks so manly yet has an adorable personality
207. How Yunho loves donuts

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