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Posted by : ainabanana Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Korang pernah x tgk cite Journey to the center of the earth.Maybe lubang besar punya bwh ni boleh smpai ke earth core.2 org mati jtuh dlm tu kesiankan.Tp klu tgk betul2 klu letak lampu sikit boleh buat bungee jumping ke dlm hole tu.tp klu tgk btul2 mcm ada hell dlm tu.

Giant Sinkhole in Guatemala

This image is pretty unbelievable.  After rainstorms and a broken sewer main in a small town in Guatemala, a massive sinkhole, 330 feet deep has fallen into the earth.  You can see the height of the sink hole in comparison to the Statue of Liberty in the graphic below. 
Almost a thousand people have been evacuated over a 500 yard zone around the sink hole and it is reported that two people were killed when the earth fell.

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