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Archive for September 2010

I was browsing he internet....

And accidently, I stumbled on this....


Whats this?

and I found this trailer.....

It will probably makes your mouth wide open...

Junsu is not what we expected!


Oh and to remind you,

this is a fanmade movie.....
I'm very excited about this....
when I got the news,
I ran to bedroom and jump like madman while screaming....
my sis came up and called me crazy....

Well,guess who's in Haru!

the whole Big Bang
and KimBum(BOF)

cool isn't it!

but wat's sad is,
in the story Yunho got a gf.....




Over Flowed!


I just made my Facebook account....

Everybody seem requesting me to have one

I'm not very fond of Facebook though

I'm very fond of TinierMe....

There's many Cassies there....

Tournez moi!



wat i'm talking about

my god its 3.40a.m.

better sleep

tournez moi head to sleep....


Tournez moi head!

Today's my b'day and its kind of bored

and thnx very much to my very best friend

and Minnie's future gf Qistina

for giving me b'day wishes just now....

From the bottom of my heart,

this is for my very best friend.....




i woke up in the morning,

its raining heavily......

We went to Maxwell Hill
(not MaxChangmin Hill)

which according to its history

Mr.Maxwell here lost in his own hill!!!

Poor Guy!

okay so we went up the hill more like mountain

by a Land Rover....

the road very steep...very steep i tell ya

i'm not very confident to go there


cause its raining,

its kind of an old Land Rover

very very very steep

and did i mention

its raining....


we ride  swan-shaped paddled boat....

and i was paddling with my sister when we stucked

at a bamboo branch

everyone was starring at us...

and there's this mother with her son paddling together

her son paddle  very fast that he fell down on the boat's floor...


poor kid....

okay so it was my birthday.......

and i'm going to celebrate it with myself and Yunnie(my walkman)....alone.....


Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

okay anyway bye

Happy birthday to me

happy birthda....(faded away)
First of all,
This post is for them who has nothing to do
and would not regret if this post really waste your time...
P.S... After you've read this post, post your 
answers in the comment box... 
P.P.S there's meanings within these questions...

First question:

If you had bored with your present life and you wanna 
commit a suicide,
which of these do you prefer?

A = Slash your wrist with a Swiss Army knife in a bathroom
B = Jump from the 37th floor from Burj Dubai

C = Ride a cruise in the Caribbean Sea and jump in the ocean in the middle of the cruise..

D = Hang yourself using your gold necklace...

Second Question:

You wanted to buy a house but you're lack of money
and you saw a flyer....
with many types of houses to choose and surprisingly cheap...

A = A cottage on a green and flourished mountain but there's aren't
       any bathroom... (You must pee outside)

B = A small apartment in new york but in a place that really filthy

C = A small apartment beside Prada but its look like a poop beside a gold...
      Kind of embarrassing

D = A huge house in the middle of a dessert... accomodated with air-conditioner
       but in the middle of nowhere....there's an oasis 10 miles away...

E = A tent in the middle of a flowering field and there's a beautiful stream outside...

Third question:

You're in a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea.Beautiful ocean lies ahead...
Seagulls flying above you....Peaceful wind blown to your face....
But then suddenly there's someone shouted 
"All men on deck!"
You turned around and saw  everyone was in the emergency boat...
You asked what happened...
One of the passenger who was now wearing a life jacket said
A very powerful storm coming this way.... with whirlpool 
Then the man ran away....
You turned around to see...
A whirlpool along with black clouds with storms brewing coming to your way...
You wanted to get in to the emergency boat but its full and now are already at the water
You ran to your room to get a life jacket but all of them are messed up...
you said to yourself, "VANDALS"
You ran outside try to get help....
But they had gone far away....
You ran to the Calling Room (a room where they send SOS)
SOS is not meant by Save Our Souls or Save Our Ship or Save Our Self
But you don't know the morse code...SHIT! and did I mention,
the line had broke down.what a luck! 
(Thats the simplest morse code! how could you forget it!?)
so this is the matter of life and death 
The Question is =====

A = You pick up a float and you threw yourself in the sea.

B = You wave and scream to the direction of the boats which is now very very full.
        And hope that they'll coming back for you...

C = You stayed at the cruise ship and sat in the Suite Room pretending everything gonna be alright

D = You tried to make your very own firework using anything you could find on the cruise ship.

My answers''''

Question no 1>>> 

I would choose C.

Question no 2>>>

I would choose D.

Question no 3>>>

I would choose C.

okay I will tell the meanings in my next post....

See ya...

I hope you guys will think of answers

onion head Pictures, Images and Photos

Questions that you might wanna answer it (when you're bored)

I really Like this one,

Hope you guys like it!
I wanted to put this in my earlier post but I was lack of time.Sorry.

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