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I've found some of SNSD's pictures before their plastic surgery.... Yoona before P.Surgery Tiffany before p.surgery Yur...
review : Parkinson Disease are popular in Korea. what's weird is why did they place a group of Parkinson-ed people in a mental hospit...
Sorry dah lama x update malas rasanya. Websites yg Aku tgh addict: top 5 5.You Tube 4.SmallWorlds 3.Looklet 2.Ripley's...
301. Their coolio names (Xiah Junsu/U-know Yunho/Micky Yoochun/Max Changmin/Hero JaeJoong) 302. How Junsu goes BRIGHT RED in the face when ...
AS you guys(maybe only ( qistina jgn save gambar ni they're mine(I mean the pics) farah and qis)known that I been dreaming about DB...
Cleverbot conversation UB01555346 Is this bot clever? User: Nani mo iwanai hito wa dare desu ka? Cleverbot: Inferno en Vidal. User...
No! Homemade bieberhatingfromhome. I've made all of these 2a.m.... Hating bieber is funnn! I've put the most disgusting...
Okay,i'm going to get to the point now, first of all, sorry Zaid sebab kte ngan farah makan your easter egg hahaha.okay sorrry very ...
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